Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Final Project Proposal: PCT Map

For my final project I am going to create a map of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), including a route for a thru-hike that includes resupply points and potential scenic stops along the way. The PCT is a 2,663 mile trail that extends from the California/Mexico Border all the way through the Sierra Nevada to British Columbia, Canada. I would like to map the PCT because I think it would render the possibility of a very unique map. I first became interested in the PCT after reading Wild, a memoir by Cheryl Strayed of her thru-hike of the PCT. A few years ago, one of my good friends hiked the Appalachian Trail, and he's been encouraging me to try it once I graduate. I feel like hiking the PCT would be more of an accomplishment since it's longer (the AT is 22,00 mi), more scenic, and something that no one else I know has done. Creating this map will help me improve my knowledge of the PCT and may be more of a motivator for me to actually do it someday!

The map will include California, Oregon, Washington, and part of BC, Canada. I am going to obtain my data from the official PCT Association website ( I'm also going to look at thru-hike blogs for more information on cool stopping points along the trail. I plan on obtaining a shapefile from the ESRI online database to include the 3 states and part of Canada I will include. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dot Density Map

Flickr and Twitter Posts in Europe. Red dot indicates location of Flickr post, Twitter is blue, and white indicates both.
Source: Flickr

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lab 6: Color Choropleth Map

The main noticeable difference in the print vs. digital version of my map is the print version has more of a blue tint, while the digital version is more gray and purple. The darkest color appears to be very purple on the digital version but very royal blue on the print version. I actually prefer the overall look of the print map better. The color scheme I chose is purple, which I think is pretty neutral. I didn't want the map to be red because I think red looks too aggressive (even though suicide or death = bad). The color scheme makes it easy to differentiate between classes, which is good. If I were to make this map again, I might try a different color scheme (like orange/burnt orange) because I think it sends a more accurate message, but the purple is so nice to look at!

Map Utilizing Color

I chose this map for color because it is simple and easy to determine what is what based on the colors used-- good contrast and choice of color.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

U.S. Rivers

Redoing my first post... this map is way cooler. It shows all the rivers in the contiguous United States.

Azimuthal Projection of Antarctica's Time Zones

Antarctica's kind of like the forgotten continent... I didn't really think about how it would have several (11!) different time zones. This is an azimuthal/planar projection, and I'm pretty sure equi-distant.

Lab 1: Illustration of a Sphere, Geoid, Ellipsoid, and Natural Surface of the Earth

Thursday, August 29, 2013
This map illustrates the amount of hunting that occurs in different areas of the United States (lower 48). I chose it because it is easy to understand and the color scheme fits with the theme (hunting). It is interesting because there appears to be very little hunting on the coasts, and a lot more hunting in the north and west/mid-west. I also chose it because it is accurate as a choropleth map, as the data is standardized as percentages, and the color scheme makes sense. The link also contains some more interesting thematic maps.